ACP Internal Medicine Meeting

Termín konání 

3. - 5. 4. 2025


USA, New Orleans

ACP Internal Medicine Meeting

Rádi bychom vás informovali o kongresu ACP Internal Medicine Meeting, který se bude konat v New Orleans, USA v termínu 3. - 5. 4. 2025.

Více informací najdete na webových stránkách kongresu ZDE

Oficiální informace v angličtině najdete níže.

Scientific Program

The knowledge you gain by attending Internal Medicine Meeting provides lasting impact. Learn from top peer educators in high-quality scientific and practice-related sessions that cover the spectrum of internal medicine and the subspecialities.

Explore over 200 educational offerings in a variety of interactive formats that meet your learning needs and match your interests. Formats include:

Case-Based Learning (CBL)
Case-based Learning sessions employ case scenarios and real-world clinical examples to best achieve session objectives.

Clinical Pearls (CP)
Faculty present brief clinical cases illustrating important teaching points that are relevant to the practicing internal medicine physician but not widely appreciated. Attendees assess their clinical judgment by using audience-response keypads to answer case-based questions.

Clinical Triads (CT)
This format builds on the popularity of fast-paced sessions and features three speakers concisely addressing different aspects of an overarching theme. Each session covers topics that are highly relevant to clinical practice.

Clinical Workshops (CW)
Most sessions at the Internal Medicine Meeting are held in large rooms that can accommodate anticipated attendance. However, due to close faculty-learner interaction or hands-on-style education, these small-group workshops have a limited number of seats available. Be sure to arrive early to ensure your seat.

Meet the Professor (MTP)
Distinguished faculty analyze controversial issues, recent advances, and new developments in selected topics.

Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind (MSFM)
Faculty provide concise, evidence-based answers to common, yet difficult, patient-management problems. Emphasis is on complex or controversial issues frequently faced by practicing internal medicine physicians.

Panels (PN)
Two or more faculty address different aspects of the selected topic or engage in point–counterpoint discussion.

Slide Shows (SS)
Highly visual presentation of selected topics.

Updates (UD)
Analysis of six to twelve of the year’s most important published papers in the subspecialties and related areas.

Workshops (WSO)
Workshops are designed to be practical teaching exercises, often conducted as discussion groups involving close contact and frequent interchange between participants and faculty.